Sunday, September 1, 2024

Alaska Summer Solstice Cruise - Sea Day

 Cruise Day 21

Saturday, June 29, 2024

After four straight days of ports and early morning tours, today is a day at sea and we are looking forward to it.  We slept in before heading to the Neptune Lounge for breakfast.  We didn’t do anything but relax the rest of the morning until it was time for lunch.

After eating lunch, we headed off to the casino since it was a sea day and gambled for a short while.  Val had a pretty good afternoon, but after my luck last night, I had none today.

Back in the room, I wrote up the blog for yesterday and Val had some things to do for her sister’s estate.  It looks like all the contingencies have been met for the sale of the house so escrow should close just after we get back, hooray for that!

Other than that, it was a pretty lazy day for us, and we spent the remainder of the afternoon reading and relaxing.  We did have one bit of bad news, Val said she had a sore throat and we immediately thought of COVID.  She doesn’t feel too bad otherwise, so we’ll just wait and see what happens.

We had another excellent dinner, an uneventful trip to the casino and then called it a night.  Tomorrow will be like a sea day as we will be in Glacier Bay, so we won’t have to get up early, but Val went to bed early anyway and hopefully she’ll feel better tomorrow.

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