Grants to
November 6, 2024
When I got up
this morning and looked out the window it was snowing and the 4Runner was
covered in snow, the predictions were correct.
Also, the temperature was 25 outside.
We got up just after eight and after getting ready and doing some final
packing we went down and had some breakfast.
After we finished, I brought a couple of things down to the car and
wiped the snow off the windows and around the doors so snow wouldn’t come in
when we opened them. There was an covered area in front of the hotel, so I moved the car there to finish our
loading out of the snow.

Today we are
going to be on I-40 all day as we make our way to Flagstaff, Arizona, our
destination for the day. Val and I
looked at traffic and weather conditions and what we saw wasn’t good and while
things looked pretty good past Gallup, I-40 between Grants and Gallup was a
mess. The road was pretty clear, but
there had been spinouts by numerous big rigs and the highway was closed in
several places. We considered taking an
alternate route through the Zuni Reservation that we took yesterday that would
get us back to I-40 past Gallup, but we just weren’t sure that back road would
be cleared so we decided not to take a chance.
Our route for the day as we travel from Grants to Flagstaff.
We decided to
stick to I-40 but delay our departure until ten.
We relaxed for a bit, and then I finished loading the car and we were on
the road just after ten. For a while,
the drive was fine, the speed limit was 75, but most everyone was keeping well
below that. One thing we noticed was the
large number of trucks on the road. I have never seen so many trucks; the only
thing I could think of was I-80 had closures, and they came down I-25 to I-40, but
I really don’t know.
Getting on to I-40 in Grants. We'll be driving on I-40 until Barstow.
I was
monitoring road conditions on Google Maps and saw that after the turnoff to
Thoreau, traffic was coming to almost a complete stop for miles. Thoreau is where we got off I-40 near the
beginning of the trip to travel north to Chama.
I saw that Old Route 66 was running parallel to I-40, so we decided to
get off and take that. It turned out to
be a smart decision as we could see that I-40 was a truck parking lot past the
Thoreau exit. Not many cars were taking
advantage of this frontage road, and we sailed along until 66 merged back onto
I-40 and into the traffic jam. We did get
about 5 miles of congestion free travel, but now we were back in it.
We got on old Route 66 just in time as you can see the traffic stopped in I-40. Trucks as far as we could see. We have never seen so many trucks on the road, they outnumbered cars by a lot!
Unfortunately, this section of 66 ended just ahead of us so our escape from the congestion ended, but we at least avoided it for a short time.
We were finally clear of the traffic, but the eastbound lanes were still stopped.
I’m not sure
how long it took us to get through this, but it seemed like forever, but I
would guess only a 30 to 45 minutes delay.
After that progress was pretty good although there were a few minor
slowdowns. As we entered Arizona the
clouds started breaking up and the weather improved, but the temperature was
still very cold as the altitude varied between 5000 to 6500 feet.
Welcome to Arizona.
We were
getting hungry and decided to stop in Winslow, Arizona for lunch. The historic La Posada Hotel is in Winslow, and
we have stayed there several times before, but today we were only stopping for
lunch. Getting off of I-40 was an ordeal
in itself as there are several large truck stops grouped together at the exit,
and it was a massive traffic jam as east and westbound trucks were getting off
as well as trucks trying to get back on I-40.
We finally made it through the mess and drove into town, I have to
repeat, I have never seen so many trucks on the road, it was just unbelievable.
Winslow has
taken advantage of being sung about in the Eagle’s song, “Take It Easy” and put
up a statue with a “standing on a corner sign” on it. They have also added a statue of Glen Frey
since the last time we were here so maybe that was to honor him after his death.
Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona.
We had
originally planned on stopping at the Standing on a Corner Café, but it was
closed so we opted for the Sipp Shoppe, a sandwich and coffee shop. Lunch was good and before moving on we took
some pictures of the “standing on a corner statue” (right across from the Sipp
Shoppe) and hit the road for the last leg into Flagstaff.
Flagstaff, our destination for today are in those mountains ahead.
The weather
had improved to partly cloudy, and we thought we’d have an easy drive into
Flagstaff, but we were wrong. Just as we
got about 20 miles from Flagstaff, traffic came to a complete stop. There had been a very bad truck accident, and
it took us over an hour to get through it.
According to Google Maps, the backup extended 14 miles behind us by the
time we got through it.
By the time
we got to Flagstaff and found our hotel, we felt exhausted as what was
supposed to be a three-and-a-half-hour easy drive turned into a seven-hour
ordeal. We had again eaten a late lunch,
so we weren’t hungry for dinner and just retired to our room to relax for the
rest of the night. I did write up the
blog, but that’s it. Tomorrow, although
a longer drive, should be easier as we head to Barstow, our last stop of the
The final map of our New Mexico travels.
to Barstow
Thursday, November
7, 2024
For the
second day in a row, when I got up this morning and looked out the window,
everything was covered with snow. It was
28 degrees outside and still snowing.
Flagstaff is at 7500 feet so it’s no surprise that winter comes early
here, but I wish it would have waited a few days.
Our route for the day as we make our way to Barstow, the last stop on our trip before returning home.
Breakfast was
available until ten today, so we slept in a little bit and didn’t have to rush
around in the morning. After breakfast,
I went outside and got the snow off the car.
Yesterday in Grants the snow was wet and it was pretty easy to get off
the car, but today it was powder snow and besides being a little thicker, it
was a little harder to get off as the snow didn’t stick together so I had to
make multiple swipes to get it all off. After
that finally completed, I went back in to do our final packing.
We woke up to more snow, not a lot, but more than enough for us Californians.
We were on
the road by ten and left Flagstaff on old Highway 66 before joining I-40 west
just outside of town. We immediately
noticed one big change from yesterday, there were hardly any trucks on the
road, where did they all go? Yesterday
we saw more trucks on the road than we have ever seen, they outnumbered
passenger cars by a lot. Despite the
morning snow, I-40 was clear and dry and there were no problems at all.
We left Flagstaff on Old 66 before getting back on I-40.
We didn't get far before I had to get out and clean off the hood. The snow on the hood kept blowing onto the windshield and temporarily blinding us.
Back on I-40
The turnoff to the Grand Canyon
We made good
time as the altitude dropped and the snow disappeared as we drove west. We passed through Williams and the turnoff to
the Grand Canyon where the altitude was still 7000 feet, but after Williams, we
steadily dropped as we drove west. We
didn’t stop until Kingman, Arizona where we got gas and some snacks to get us
through the last leg of our drive.
Kingman is sixty miles from the California border.
We drove on
continuing to lose altitude until we crossed the Colorado River and
entered California at only 330 feet, a big change from the high altitude we
have been at since being in New Mexico and Eastern Arizona. When we crossed into California, we gained
the hour we had lost at the beginning of our trip.
Crossing the Colorado River
Welcome to California
As returning Californians we sailed right through the produce check.
A drive across the Mojave Desert and our day was done.
We are
staying in Barstow tonight that is only a four-hour drive from home, but to
drive all the way home from Flagstaff is a ten-hour drive and at our age we
just don’t like to drive that long, and besides that, we are retired so we have
no deadline to get home so why not take it easy.
Thanks to the
time zone change we arrived in Barstow around four and relaxed for a while
until it was time for dinner. Our hotel
is located next to the Barstow Outlet Stores and besides several other hotels
there is just about every fast-food outlet you could wish for, so we opted for
a quick fast food dinner and spent the rest of the evening relaxing. Tonight is our last night on the road and
tomorrow night we’ll be in our own beds and the road trip will be over.
Barstow to
Friday, November
8, 2024
We had a
little incident at our hotel last night, so we slept in to catch up on our
sleep. Last night around 11:30 Val was
asleep, and I was reading when there was a knock on our door. I got up and asked who it was, and they said
it was the front desk, but I wasn’t about to open the door without some
verification, so I asked them to call me.
The door was thick, and the sound was muffled so I wasn’t sure what he
said, but we didn’t get a phone call, so I asked him again. At this point, I decided to call the front
desk ourselves and verify what was going on, but the phone wasn’t working.
By now, we
were getting a little nervous and I considered calling the police, but that
seemed a little extreme, so Val found the hotel on her cell phone and called the front desk. It turned out that for
whatever reason, our room was showing up empty and they had assigned it to
someone else. They apologized and said
they were straightening it out, so all was well, except for the adrenaline Val
and I were feeling. Why they didn’t just
call in the first place I don’t know, but maybe they found the phone not
working either, but they did have our cell phone number. Anyway, it took us a while to get back to
sleep so we slept in this morning.
We hadn’t
intended to get up too early anyway as our hotel was right next to a shopping
center and we wanted to stop by the Columbia Store that didn’t open until
ten. Breakfast ended at nine and we
weren’t ready by then, so we skipped breakfast, but didn’t mind as we had a
treat planned for lunch and we wanted to be hungry.
We got to the
Columbia store just after they opened and looked around a bit and Val found
something to her liking, and I almost bought a pair of lightweight hiking boots
but decided against it. The time to buy
them would have been before we left on this trip, not afterward.
The last day of our road trip as we drive from Barstow to our home.
It was only a
four-hour drive home and since we were going to pass through Tehachapi again, we planned
our drive so we would arrive in Tehachapi for lunch at the Red
House BBQ. There wasn’t much traffic,
and we arrived at the Red House around 12:30 and found it very busy at
lunchtime on Friday and had to wait about fifteen minutes for a table, but it
was well worth it, they have excellent barbecued pork ribs that we love. After a great lunch Val had the idea of
buying a rack of ribs to take home with us so we could have them for dinner on
Saturday and Sunday as we won’t have any food in the house, and we are pretty
tired of eating out.
The desolate drive on Highway 58 between Barstow and Mojave.
Leaving the desert and heading up into the Tehachapi Mountains.
Turning into the Red House BBQ
Leaving Tehachapi
Heading down into the San Joaquin Valley
Crossing the San Joaquin on Highway 33 ...
... and Highway 46
As we got
near home, traffic picked up a bit as there were a lot of people from the San
Joaquin Valley heading to the Central Coast for the weekend, but it wasn’t too
bad. We were home around four and while
it felt very good to be there, it was also a little sad that our trip was over,
and we wouldn’t be getting back in the car tomorrow to explore another scenic
Home Sweet Home |